A lot of computer programming deals with files. After all, when we reboot our computers, the only thing that remains from previous sessions are the things that have been put on disk. Data which is stored in files is called persistent data, because it persists in files that remain on the disk even when the program isn't running..
The UNIX File Concept
Each operating system has its own way of dealing with files. However, the UNIX method, which is used on Linux, is the simplest and most universal. UNIX files, no matter what program created them, can all be accessed as a sequential stream of bytes. When you access a file, you start by opening it by name. The operating system then gives you a number, called a file descriptor, which you use to refer to the file until you are through with it. You can then read and write to the file using its file descriptor. When you are done reading and writing, you then close the file, which then makes the file descriptor useless.
In our programs we will deal with files in the following ways:
Tell Linux the name of the file to open, and in what mode you want it opened (read, write, both read and write, create it if it doesn't exist, etc.). This is handled with the open system call, which takes a filename, a number representing the mode, and a permission set as its parameters. %eax will hold the system call number, which is 5. The address of the first character of the filename should be stored in %ebx. The read/write intentions, represented as a number, should be stored in %ecx. For now, use 0 for files you want to read from, and 03101 for files you want to write to (you must include the leading zero). [1] Finally, the permission set should be stored as a number in %edx. If you are unfamiliar with UNIX permissions, just use 0666 for the permissions (again, you must include the leading zero).
Linux will then return to you a file descriptor in %eax. Remember, this is a number that you use to refer to this file throughout your program.
Next you will operate on the file doing reads and/or writes, each time giving Linux the file descriptor you want to use. read is system call 3, and to call it you need to have the file descriptor in %ebx, the address of a buffer for storing the data that is read in %ecx, and the size of the buffer in %edx. Buffers will be explained in the Section called Buffers and .bss. read will return with either the number of characters read from the file, or an error code. Error codes can be distinguished because they are always negative numbers (more information on negative numbers can be found in Chapter 10). write is system call 4, and it requires the same parameters as the read system call, except that the buffer should already be filled with the data to write out. The write system call will give back the number of bytes written in %eax or an error code.
When you are through with your files, you can then tell Linux to close them. Afterwards, your file descriptor is no longer valid. This is done using close, system call 6. The only parameter to close is the file descriptor, which is placed in %ebx
[1]This will be explained in more detail in the Section called Truth, Falsehood, and Binary Numbers in Chapter 10.
Buffers and .bss
In the previous section we mentioned buffers without explaining what they were. A buffer is a continuous block of bytes used for bulk data transfer. When you request to read a file, the operating system needs to have a place to store the data it reads. That place is called a buffer. Usually buffers are only used to store data temporarily, and it is then read from the buffers and converted to a form that is easier for the programs to handle. Our programs won't be complicated enough to need that done. For an example, let's say that you want to read in a single line of text from a file but you do not know how long that line is. You would then simply read a large number of bytes/characters from the file into a buffer, look for the end-of-line character, and copy all of the characters to that end-of-line character to another location. If you didn't find an end-of-line character, you would allocate another buffer and continue reading. You would probably wind up with some characters left over in your buffer in this case, which you would use as the starting point when you next need data from the file. [2]
Another thing to note is that buffers are a fixed size, set by the programmer. So, if you want to read in data 500 bytes at a time, you send the read system call the address of a 500-byte unused location, and send it the number 500 so it knows how big it is. You can make it smaller or bigger, depending on your application's needs.
To create a buffer, you need to either reserve static or dynamic storage. Static storage is what we have talked about so far, storage locations declared using .long or .byte directives. Dynamic storage will be discussed in the Section called Getting More Memory in Chapter 9. There are problems, though, with declaring buffers using .byte. First, it is tedious to type. You would have to type 500 numbers after the .byte declaration, and they wouldn't be used for anything but to take up space. Second, it uses up space in the executable. In the examples we've used so far, it doesn't use up too much, but that can change in larger programs. If you want 500 bytes you have to type in 500 numbers and it wastes 500 bytes in the executable. There is a solution to both of these. So far, we have discussed two program sections, the .text and the .data sections. There is another section called the .bss. This section is like the data section, except that it doesn't take up space in the executable. This section can reserve storage, but it can't initialize it. In the .data section, you could reserve storage and set it to an initial value. In the .bss section, you can't set an initial value. This is useful for buffers because we don't need to initialize them anyway, we just need to reserve storage. In order to do this, we do the following commands:
This directive, .lcomm, will create a symbol, my_buffer, that refers to a 500-byte storage location that we can use as a buffer. We can then do the following, assuming we have opened a file for reading and have placed the file descriptor in %ebx:
movl $my_buffer, %ecx
movl 500, %edx
movl 3, %eax
int $0x80
This will read up to 500 bytes into our buffer. In this example, I placed a dollar sign in front of my_buffer. Remember that the reason for this is that without the dollar sign, my_buffer is treated as a memory location, and is accessed in direct addressing mode. The dollar sign switches it to immediate mode addressing, which actually loads the number represented by my_buffer itself (i.e. - the address of the start of our buffer, which is the address of my_buffer) into %ecx.
[2]While this sounds complicated, most of the time in programming you will not need to deal directly with buffers and file descriptors. In Chapter 8 you will learn how to use existing code present in Linux to handle most of the complications of file input/output for you.
Standard and Special Files
You might think that programs start without any files open by default. This is not true. Linux programs usually have at least three open file descriptors when they begin. They are:
This is the standard input. It is a read-only file, and usually represents your keyboard. [3] This is always file descriptor 0.
This is the standard output. It is a write-only file, and usually represents your screen display. This is always file descriptor 1.
This is your standard error. It is a write-only file, and usually represents your screen display. Most regular processing output goes to STDOUT, but any error messages that come up in the process go to STDERR. This way, if you want to, you can split them up into separate places. This is always file descriptor 2.
Any of these "files" can be redirected from or to a real file, rather than a screen or a keyboard. This is outside the scope of this book, but any good book on the UNIX command-line will describe it in detail. The program itself does not even need to be aware of this indirection - it can just use the standard file descriptors as usual.
Notice that many of the files you write to aren't files at all. UNIX-based operating systems treat all input/output systems as files. Network connections are treated as files, your serial port is treated like a file, even your audio devices are treated as files. Communication between processes is usually done through special files called pipes. Some of these files have different methods of opening and creating them than regular files (i.e. - they don't use the open system call), but they can all be read from and written to using the standard read and write system calls.
[3]As we mentioned earlier, in Linux, almost everything is a "file". Your keyboard input is considered a file, and so is your screen display.
Using Files in a Program
We are going to write a simple program to illustrate these concepts. The program will take two files, and read from one, convert all of its lower-case letters to upper-case, and write to the other file. Before we do so, let's think about what we need to do to get the job done:
Have a function that takes a block of memory and converts it to upper-case. This function would need an address of a block of memory and its size as parameters.
Have a section of code that repeatedly reads in to a buffer, calls our conversion function on the buffer, and then writes the buffer back out to the other file.
Begin the program by opening the necessary files.
Notice that I've specified things in reverse order that they will be done. That's a useful trick in writing complex programs - first decide the meat of what is being done. In this case, it's converting blocks of characters to upper-case. Then, you think about what all needs to be setup and processed to get that to happen. In this case, you have to open files, and continually read and write blocks to disk. One of the keys of programming is continually breaking down problems into smaller and smaller chunks until it's small enough that you can easily solve the problem. Then you can build these chunks back up until you have a working program. [4]
You may have been thinking that you will never remember all of these numbers being thrown at you - the system call numbers, the interrupt number, etc. In this program we will also introduce a new directive, .equ which should help out. .equ allows you to assign names to numbers. For example, if you did .equ LINUX_SYSCALL, 0x80, any time after that you wrote LINUX_SYSCALL, the assembler would substitue 0x80 for that. So now, you can write
which is much easier to read, and much easier to remember. Coding is complex, but there are a lot of things we can do like this to make it easier.
Here is the program. Note that we have more labels than we actually use for jumps, because some of them are just there for clarity. Try to trace through the program and see what happens in various cases. An in-depth explanation of the program will follow.
#PURPOSE: This program converts an input file
# to an output file with all letters
# converted to uppercase.
#PROCESSING: 1) Open the input file
# 2) Open the output file
# 3) While we're not at the end of the input file
# a) read part of file into our memory buffer
# b) go through each byte of memory
# if the byte is a lower-case letter,
# convert it to uppercase
# c) write the memory buffer to output file
.section .data
#system call numbers
.equ SYS_OPEN, 5
.equ SYS_WRITE, 4
.equ SYS_READ, 3
.equ SYS_CLOSE, 6
.equ SYS_EXIT, 1
#options for open (look at
#/usr/include/asm/fcntl.h for
#various values. You can combine them
#by adding them or ORing them)
#This is discussed at greater length
#in "Counting Like a Computer"
.equ O_RDONLY, 0
#standard file descriptors
.equ STDIN, 0
.equ STDOUT, 1
.equ STDERR, 2
#system call interrupt
.equ LINUX_SYSCALL, 0x80
.equ END_OF_FILE, 0 #This is the return value
#of read which means we've
#hit the end of the file
.section .bss
#Buffer - this is where the data is loaded into
# from the data file and written from
# into the output file. This should
# never exceed 16,000 for various
# reasons.
.equ BUFFER_SIZE, 500
.section .text
.equ ST_FD_IN, -4
.equ ST_FD_OUT, -8
.equ ST_ARGC, 0 #Number of arguments
.equ ST_ARGV_0, 4 #Name of program
.equ ST_ARGV_1, 8 #Input file name
.equ ST_ARGV_2, 12 #Output file name
.globl _start
#save the stack pointer
movl %esp, %ebp
#Allocate space for our file descriptors
#on the stack
subl $ST_SIZE_RESERVE, %esp
#open syscall
movl $SYS_OPEN, %eax
#input filename into %ebx
movl ST_ARGV_1(%ebp), %ebx
#read-only flag
movl $O_RDONLY, %ecx
#this doesn't really matter for reading
movl $0666, %edx
#call Linux
#save the given file descriptor
movl %eax, ST_FD_IN(%ebp)
#open the file
movl $SYS_OPEN, %eax
#output filename into %ebx
movl ST_ARGV_2(%ebp), %ebx
#flags for writing to the file
#permission set for new file (if it's created)
movl $0666, %edx
#call Linux
#store the file descriptor here
movl %eax, ST_FD_OUT(%ebp)
movl $SYS_READ, %eax
#get the input file descriptor
movl ST_FD_IN(%ebp), %ebx
#the location to read into
movl $BUFFER_DATA, %ecx
#the size of the buffer
movl $BUFFER_SIZE, %edx
#Size of buffer read is returned in %eax
#check for end of file marker
cmpl $END_OF_FILE, %eax
#if found or on error, go to the end
jle end_loop
pushl $BUFFER_DATA #location of buffer
pushl %eax #size of the buffer
call convert_to_upper
popl %eax #get the size back
addl $4, %esp #restore %esp
#size of the buffer
movl %eax, %edx
movl $SYS_WRITE, %eax
#file to use
movl ST_FD_OUT(%ebp), %ebx
#location of the buffer
movl $BUFFER_DATA, %ecx
jmp read_loop_begin
#NOTE - we don't need to do error checking
# on these, because error conditions
# don't signify anything special here
movl $SYS_CLOSE, %eax
movl ST_FD_OUT(%ebp), %ebx
movl $SYS_CLOSE, %eax
movl ST_FD_IN(%ebp), %ebx
movl $SYS_EXIT, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
#PURPOSE: This function actually does the
# conversion to upper case for a block
#INPUT: The first parameter is the length of
# the block of memory to convert
# The second parameter is the starting
# address of that block of memory
#OUTPUT: This function overwrites the current
# buffer with the upper-casified version.
# %eax - beginning of buffer
# %ebx - length of buffer
# %edi - current buffer offset
# %cl - current byte being examined
# (first part of %ecx)
#The lower boundary of our search
.equ LOWERCASE_A, 'a'
#The upper boundary of our search
.equ LOWERCASE_Z, 'z'
#Conversion between upper and lower case
.equ UPPER_CONVERSION, 'A' - 'a'
.equ ST_BUFFER_LEN, 8 #Length of buffer
.equ ST_BUFFER, 12 #actual buffer
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl ST_BUFFER(%ebp), %eax
movl ST_BUFFER_LEN(%ebp), %ebx
movl $0, %edi
#if a buffer with zero length was given
#to us, just leave
cmpl $0, %ebx
je end_convert_loop
#get the current byte
movb (%eax,%edi, 1), %cl
#go to the next byte unless it is between
#'a' and 'z'
cmpb $LOWERCASE_A, %cl
jl next_byte
cmpb $LOWERCASE_Z, %cl
jg next_byte
#otherwise convert the byte to uppercase
#and store it back
movb %cl, (%eax,%edi,1)
incl %edi #next byte
cmpl %edi, %ebx #continue unless
#we've reached the
jne convert_loop
#no return value, just leave
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
Type in this program as toupper.s, and then enter in the following commands:
as toupper.s -o toupper.o
ld toupper.o -o toupper
This builds a program called toupper, which converts all of the lowercase characters in a file to uppercase. For example, to convert the file toupper. s to uppercase, type in the following command:
./toupper toupper.s toupper.uppercase
You will now find in the file toupper.uppercase an uppercase version of your original file.
Let's examine how the program works.
The first section of the program is marked CONSTANTS. In programming, a constant is a value that is assigned when a program assembles or compiles, and is never changed. I make a habit of placing all of my constants together at the beginning of the program. It's only necessary to declare them before you use them, but putting them all at the beginning makes them easy to find. Making them all upper-case makes it obvious in your program which values are constants and where to find them. [5] In assembly language, we declare constants with the .equ directive as mentioned before. Here, we simply give names to all of the standard numbers we've used so far, like system call numbers, the syscall interrupt number, and file open options.
The next section is marked BUFFERS. We only use one buffer in this program, which we call BUFFER_DATA. We also define a constant, BUFFER_SIZE, which holds the size of the buffer. If we always refer to this constant rather than typing out the number 500 whenever we need to use the size of the buffer, if it later changes, we only need to modify this value, rather than having to go through the entire program and changing all of the values individually.
Instead of going on to the _start section of the program, go to the end where we define the convert_to_upper function. This is the part that actually does the conversion.
This section begins with a list of constants that we will use The reason these are put here rather than at the top is that they only deal with this one function. We have these definitions:
.equ LOWERCASE_A, 'a'
.equ LOWERCASE_Z, 'z'
.equ UPPER_CONVERSION, 'A' - 'a'
The first two simply define the letters that are the boundaries of what we are searching for. Remember that in the computer, letters are represented as numbers. Therefore, we can use LOWERCASE_A in comparisons, additions, subtractions, or anything else we can use numbers in. Also, notice we define the constant UPPER_CONVERSION. Since letters are represented as numbers, we can subtract them. Subtracting an upper-case letter from the same lower-case letter gives us how much we need to add to a lower-case letter to make it upper case. If that doesn't make sense, look at the ASCII code tables themselves (see Appendix D). You'll notice that the number for the character A is 65 and the character a is 97. The conversion factor is then -32. For any lowercase letter if you add -32, you will get its capital equivalent.
After this, we have some constants labelled STACK POSITIONS. Remember that function parameters are pushed onto the stack before function calls. These constants (prefixed with ST for clarity) define where in the stack we should expect to find each piece of data. The return address is at position 4 + %esp, the length of the buffer is at position 8 + %esp, and the address of the buffer is at position 12 + %esp. Using symbols for these numbers instead of the numbers themselves makes it easier to see what data is being used and moved.
Next comes the label convert_to_upper. This is the entry point of the function. The first two lines are our standard function lines to save the stack pointer. The next two lines
movl ST_BUFFER(%ebp), %eax
movl ST_BUFFER_LEN(%ebp), %ebx
move the function parameters into the appropriate registers for use. Then, we load zero into %edi. What we are going to do is iterate through each byte of the buffer by loading from the location %eax + %edi, incrementing %edi, and repeating until %edi is equal to the buffer length stored in %ebx. The lines
cmpl $0, %ebx
je end_convert_loop
are just a sanity check to make sure that noone gave us a buffer of zero size. If they did, we just clean up and leave. Guarding against potential user and programming errors is an important task of a programmer. You can always specify that your function should not take a buffer of zero size, but it's even better to have the function check and have a reliable exit plan if it happens.
Now we start our loop. First, it moves a byte into %cl. The code for this is
movb (%eax, %edi, 1), %cl
It is using an indexed indirect addressing mode. It says to start at %eax and go %edi locations forward, with each location being 1 byte big. It takes the value found there, and put it in %cl. After this it checks to see if that value is in the range of lower-case a to lower-case z. To check the range, it simply checks to see if the letter is smaller than a. If it is, it can't be a lower-case letter. Likewise, if it is larger than z, it can't be a lower-case letter. So, in each of these cases, it simply moves on. If it is in the proper range, it then adds the uppercase conversion, and stores it back into the buffer.
Either way, it then goes to the next value by incrementing %cl;. Next it checks to see if we are at the end of the buffer. If we are not at the end, we jump back to the beginning of the loop (the convert_loop label). If we are at the end, it simply continues on to the end of the function. Because we are modifying the buffer directly, we don't need to return anything to the calling program - the changes are already in the buffer. The label end_convert_loop is not needed, but it's there so it's easy to see where the parts of the program are.
Now we know how the conversion process works. Now we need to figure out how to get the data in and out of the files.
Before reading and writing the files we must open them. The UNIX open system call is what handles this. It takes the following parameters:
%eax contains the system call number as usual - 5 in this case.
%ebx contains a pointer to a string that is the name of the file to open. The string must be terminated with the null character.
%ecx contains the options used for opening the file. These tell Linux how to open the file. They can indicate things such as open for reading, open for writing, open for reading and writing, create if it doesn't exist, delete the file if it already exists, etc. We will not go into how to create the numbers for the options until the Section called Truth, Falsehood, and Binary Numbers in Chapter 10. For now, just trust the numbers we come up with.
%edx contains the permissions that are used to open the file. This is used in case the file has to be created first, so Linux knows what permissions to create the file with. These are expressed in octal, just like regular UNIX permissions. [6]
After making the system call, the file descriptor of the newly-opened file is stored in %eax.
So, what files are we opening? In this example, we will be opening the files specified on the command-line. Fortunately, command-line parameters are already stored by Linux in an easy-to-access location, and are already null-terminated. When a Linux program begins, all pointers to command-line arguments are stored on the stack. The number of arguments is stored at (%esp), the name of the program is stored at 4 (%esp), and the arguments are stored from 8 (%esp) on. In the C Programming language, this is referred to as the argv array, so we will refer to it that way in our program.
The first thing our program does is save the current stack position in %ebp and then reserve some space on the stack to store the file descriptors. After this, it starts opening files.
The first file the program opens is the input file, which is the first command-line argument. We do this by setting up the system call. We put the file name into %ebx, the read-only mode number into %ecx, the default mode of $0666 into %edx, and the system call number into %eax After the system call, the file is open and the file descriptor is stored in %eax. [7] The file descriptor is then transferred to its appropriate place on the stack.
The same is then done for the output file, except that it is created with a write-only, create-if-doesn't-exist, truncate-if-does-exist mode. Its file descriptor is stored as well.
Now we get to the main part - the read/write loop. Basically, we will read fixed-size chunks of data from the input file, call our conversion function on it, and write it back to the output file. Although we are reading fixed-size chunks, the size of the chunks don't matter for this program - we are just operating on straight sequences of characters. We could read it in with as little or as large of chunks as we want, and it still would work properly.
The first part of the loop is to read the data. This uses the read system call. This call just takes a file descriptor to read from, a buffer to write into, and the size of the buffer (i.e. - the maximum number of bytes that could be written). The system call returns the number of bytes actually read, or end-of-file (the number 0).
After reading a block, we check %eax for an end-of-file marker. If found, it exits the loop. Otherwise we keep on going.
After the data is read, the convert_to_upper function is called with the buffer we just read in and the number of characters read in the previous system call. After this function executes, the buffer should be capitalized and ready to write out. The registers are then restored with what they had before.
Finally, we issue a write system call, which is exactly like the read system call, except that it moves the data from the buffer out to the file. Now we just go back to the beginning of the loop.
After the loop exits (remember, it exits if, after a read, it detects the end of the file), it simply closes its file descriptors and exits. The close system call just takes the file descriptor to close in %ebx.
The program is then finished!
[4]Maureen Sprankle's Problem Solving and Programming Concepts is an excellent book on the problem-solving process applied to computer programming.
[5]This is fairly standard practice among programmers in all languages.
[6]If you aren't familiar with UNIX permissions, just put $0666 here. Don't forget the leading zero, as it means that the number is an octal number.
[7]Notice that we don't do any error checking on this. That is done just to keep the program simple. In normal programs, every system call should normally be checked for success or failure. In failure cases, %eax will hold an error code instead of a return value. Error codes are negative, so they can be detected by comparing %eax to zero and jumping if it is less than zero.
Know the Concepts
Describe the lifecycle of a file descriptor.
What are the standard file descriptors and what are they used for?
What is a buffer?
What is the difference between the .data section and the .bss section?
What are the system calls related to reading and writing files?
Use the Concepts
Modify the toupper program so that it reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT instead of using the files on the command-line.
Change the size of the buffer.
Rewrite the program so that it uses storage in the .bss section rather than the stack to store the file descriptors.
Write a program that will create a file called heynow.txt and write the words "Hey diddle diddle!" into it.
Going Further
What difference does the size of the buffer make?
What error results can be returned by each of these system calls?
Make the program able to either operate on command-line arguments or use STDIN or STDOUT based on the number of command-line arguments specified by ARGC.
Modify the program so that it checks the results of each system call, and prints out an error message to STDOUT when it occurs.